Churches, Rome

Churches, Rome

 Basilica di San Clemente  House of the Knights of Rhodes  Location
     With its mysterious passages and legends, this fascinating church provides first-hand experience of the layers that comprise Rome; here you can descend to a depth of 18m (60 ft) and go back over 2,000 years
 Santi Quattro Coronati Church    
 San Luigi dei Francesi (Contarelli Chapel)   Location
  Caravaggio The Calling of St Matthew (1600)
    The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew (1600)
    The Inspiration of Saint Matthew (1602)
 San Pietro in Montorio (Trastevere)   Location
    Commissioned by Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, it marks a traditional location of St. Peter's crucifixion
    The Tempietto by Donato Bramante (1502)
 Basilica of S. Giovanni in Laterano    
 Santo Stefano Rotondo    
 Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore    
 Basillica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls